[ gambar ] Percintaan Haiwan yang sungguh romantis sempat dirakam kamera

gambar ini dirakam di salah sebuah perkampungan orang asli di pahang

[ 8 gambar ] Bila Pertarungan Sangat Tidak Adil....

crocodile vs lions

crocodile vs lions1

crocodile vs lions2

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Crocodile has a bad day, 3 crocodiles vs 3 lions would be more interesting...

[ gambar ] Ibu ayam guna Kung fu selamatkan anaknya..

Chicken uses kungfu to protect her child

nescaya...bintang pun sayang akan anaknya..

[ gambar ] Kesengsaraan Rakyat Thailand Semasa Berlakunya Banjir

Melihat gambar-gambar di bawah..terasa betapa sengsaranya rakayt Thailand apabila dilanda banjir..Sebanyak RM 30 billion dianggarkan kerugian dicatatkan oleh kerajaan Thailand.

thai flood getting worse

thai flood getting worse1

thai flood getting worse10

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thai flood getting worse13

thai flood getting worse14

thai flood getting worse15

thai flood getting worse2

thai flood getting worse3

thai flood getting worse4

thai flood getting worse5

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thai flood getting worse8

thai flood getting worse9

thai flood getting worse12